Browsing IMDEA Networks by title
Now showing items 1531-1550 of 1886
Safety issues in collaborative vehicle control
(2009-03-30)conference object -
Saving Energy by Powering Down Links
(2016-05-26)conference object -
Saving Energy by Powering Down Links
(2011-11-07)conference object -
Saving Energy by Powering Down Links
(2014-06-26)conference object -
Scalable machine learning algorithms to design massive MIMO systems
(2021-11-05)conference object -
Scalable Max-Min Fairness in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
(2009-09-23)conference object -
Scalable max–min fairness in wireless ad hoc networks
(Elsevier, 2011-03)journal article -
Scalable multi-modal learning for cross-link channel prediction in massive IoT networks
(2023-10-23)conference object -
Scalable Outlier Detection Methods for Functional Data
(2022-11-30)doctoral thesis -
Scalable Phase-Coherent Beam-Training for Dense Millimeter-wave Networks
(2021-10)journal article -
Scalable Support for Globally Moving Networks
(2006-09)conference object -
Scaling Future Wireless Networks
(2017-01-19)conference object -
Scaling Millimeter-Wave Networks to Dense Deployments and Dynamic Environments
(IEEE, 2019-01)journal article -
Scaling Next Generation Mobile Video Delivery
(2013-05-08)conference object -
Scaling to Massiveness With ANALYSE: A Learning Analytics Tool for Open edX
(IEEE, 2017-12)journal article -
Scheduling Dynamic Parallel Workload of Mobile Devices with Access Guarantees
(ACM, 2019-01-04)journal article -
Scheduling of Wireless Edge Networks for Feedback-Based Interactive Applications
(2022-03-31)journal article -
Science in Your Living Room (La Ciencia del Salón de tu Casa)
(2013-09-27)conference object -
SDN for 5G Mobile Networks: NORMA Perspective
(Springer International Publishing, 2016-05-24)conference object