Browsing IMDEA Networks by title
Now showing items 1849-1868 of 1886
A Walk Down Memory Lane: On Storage Capacity in Opportunistic Content Sharing Systems
(2020-08-31)conference object -
waveSLAM: Empowering accurate indoor mapping using off-the-shelf millimeter-wave self-sensing
(2023-10-10)conference object -
WearFlow: Expanding Information Flow Analysis To Companion Apps in Wear OS
(2020-10-14)conference object -
Web Experience in Mobile Networks: Lessons from Two Million Page Visits
(2019-05-13)conference object -
Welcome Message from the ICNP 2020 General Chair
(2020-10-13)conference object -
Welcome Message from the WoWMoM 2013 General Chair
(2013-06-04)conference object -
What is 5G and why is disruptive: the case of the 5TONIC Laboratory
(2019-09-19)conference object -
When Less is More: Core-Restricted Container Provisioning for Serverless Computing
(2020-07-06)conference object -
Which Infrastructure for a better Internet in Africa ?
(2014-11-21)conference object -
Why energy matters? Profiling energy consumption of mobile crowdsensing data collection frameworks
(Elsevier, 2018-12)journal article -
Why Online Services Should Pay You for Your Data? The Arguments for a Human-Centric Data Economy
(2019-09-01)magazine -
Why Your Smartphone Doesn’t Work in Very Crowded Environments
(2017-06-12)conference object -
Wi-Fi Multi-Path Parameter Estimation for Sub-7 GHz Sensing: A Comparative Study
(2023-06-21)conference object -
Wideband Millimeter-Wave Open Experimentation Platform
(2019-01-29)conference object -
WiFi Direct and LTE D2D in Action
(2013-11-13)conference object -
Will the Proliferation of 5G Base Stations Increase the Radio-Frequency "Pollution"?
(2020-05-25)conference object -
Winning the I-COM Datascience Hackathon 2016
(2016-06-09)conference object -
WINS: Tracking of Mobile Devices with WiFi Time-Of-Flight
(2014-04-14)conference object -
Wireless access architectures for video applications: the approach proposed in the MEDIEVAL project
(2010-06-22)conference object