Browsing IMDEA Networks by title
Now showing items 1306-1325 of 1888
P2P vs. IP multicast: Comparing approaches to IPTV streaming based on TV channel popularity
(Elseiver, 2011-04-25)journal article -
Packet Mass Transit: Improving Frame Aggregation in 60 GHz Networks
(2016-06-21)conference object -
Packet Scheduling over a Wireless Channel: AQT-based Constrained Jamming
(2015-05)conference object -
Panel: 5G Testbeds
(2018-02-28)conference object -
Panel: Beyond 5G communications
(2019-02-25)conference object -
Panel: Beyond 5G: Realizing Smart Networks
(2019-06-18)conference object -
Panel: Capitalising on Operators’ Assets for the Industry 4.0 Value Chain
(2019-02-26)conference object -
Panel: Challenges of mobile content and interpersonal communications in high demand scenario
(2016-06-23)conference object -
Panel: Co-development: Processes & Technologies
(2015-10-21)conference object -
Panel: Collaborative programs in energy-efficient communications
(2013-06-12)conference object -
Panel: Crosshaul (Xhaul) – The fusion of Fronthaul and Backhaul in 5G!
(2017-02-28)conference object -
Panel: Green ICT: What would be the cost of doing nothing?
(2013-05-08)conference object -
Panel: How to deploy and run connected Industry 4.0
(2019-02-26)conference object -
Panel: Innovation through Joint Industry-Academic Partnerships
(2017-05-03)conference object -
Panel: Let’s take stock of Mobility ecosystems development and rollout
(2019-05-22)conference object -
Panel: Novel Radio Solutions
(2017-10-23)conference object -
Panel: Research Session
(2013-11-14)conference object -
Panel: Smart connectivity in the context of Next Generation Internet
(2018-06-21)conference object -
Panel: Smart Networks: What is Next?
(2019-04-30)conference object -
Panel: Social implications of future technologies
(2018-03-08)conference object