IMDEA Networks
Envíos recientes
Demo: Streaming Video over 360 Degrees Visible Light Communication
(2024-12)conference object -
DeepMEND: Reliable and Scalable Network Metadata Geolocation from Base Station Positions
(2024-10-18)conference object -
In-Band Quality Notification from Users to ISPs
(2024-11-29)conference object -
Performance Analysis of NSUM Estimators in Social-Network Topologies
(Taylor & Francis on behalf of the American Statistical Association (United States), 2024)journal article -
MUDGUARD: Taming Malicious Majorities in Federated Learning using Privacy-Preserving Byzantine-Robust Clustering
(2025-06-09)conference object -
Learning to Learn How to Manage Network Resources with Loss Function Meta-Learning
(IEEE, 2024)magazine -
Explainable and Transferable Loss Meta-Learning for Zero-Touch Anticipatory Network Management
(IEEE, 2024-06)journal article -
Designing the Network Intelligence Stratum for 6G Networks
(Elsevier, 2024-12)journal article -
Metric meta-learning in deep learning models for intent-based networking
(2024-09-19)doctoral thesis -
Sustainable Provision of URLLC Services for V2N: Analysis and Optimal Configuration
(2024-10-14)conference object -
Uncovering Latent Patterns in Service-Level Spatiotemporal Mobile Traffic
(2024-09-29)conference object -
Demystifying Privacy in 5G Stand Alone Networks
(2024)conference object -
Examining 5G Adoption: Effects on Network Traffic and Mobile Service Usage
(2024-10-09)conference object -
Twinning Commercial Network Traces on Experimental Open RAN Platforms
(2024-11-18)conference object -
A Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning Strategy for COVID-19 Seroprevalence Estimations in the USA Based on Genetic Programming
(2024-08-01)conference object -
'Hey mum, I dropped my phone down the toilet': Investigating Hi Mum and Dad SMS Scams in the United Kingdom
(2025)conference object -
User-Plane Algorithms for Stateless and Stateful Inference in Programmable Networks
(2024-09-27)doctoral thesis -
Characterizing Large-Scale Mobile Traffic Measurements for Urban, Social and Networks Sciences
(2024-09-25)doctoral thesis -
I love pineapple on pizza != I hate pineapple on pizza: Stance-Aware Sentence Transformers for Opinion Mining
(2024-11-14)conference object -
A semi-supervised learning algorithm for multi-label classification and multi-assignment clustering problems based on a Multivariate Data Analysis
(Elsevier, 2024-08-30)journal article