Browsing IMDEA Networks by title
Now showing items 1324-1343 of 1886
Panel: The impact of 5G in the Tourism Industry
(2018-11-30)conference object -
Panel: What will be the limits of control intelligence?
(2017-10-23)conference object -
Pasarela residencial multiservicio con soporte de calidad garantizada para acceso de banda ancha
(2006-11)conference object -
Passive Communication with Ambient Light
(2016-12)conference object -
Passive Mobile Bandwidth Classification Using Short Lived TCP Connections
(2015-10-05)conference object -
PassiveLiFi Demonstration: Rethinking LiFi for Low-Power and Long-Range RF Backscatter
(2023-10)conference object -
PassiveLiFi: Rethinking LiFi for Low-Power and Long Range RF Backscatter
(2021-10-24)conference object -
The path towards a cloud-aware mobile network protocol stack
(John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2018-05)journal article -
Paths and Interconnectivity: An Internet Trend and an Architectural Proposal
(2019-08-14)conference object -
Paying Attention to the Algorithm Behind the Curtain. Bringing Transparency to YouTube’s Demonetization Algorithms
(2022-11)conference object -
pDCell: an End-to-End Transport Protocol for Mobile Edge Computing Architectures
(ACM, 2019-01-14)conference object -
Peer-to-Peer Television for the IP Multimedia Subsystem
(2012-07-18)doctoral thesis -
Per-Frame Energy Consumption in 802.11 Devices and Its Implication on Modeling and Design
(Co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Computer Society, and the ACM with its Special Interest Group on Data Communications (SIGCOMM), 2015-08-04)journal article -
Perceptibility of DigitalWatermarks Embedded in 3D Meshes using Unimodal and Bimodal Hapto-Visual Interaction
(2009-05-05)conference object -
Performance Analysis and Algorithm Selection for Reliable Multicast in IEEE 802.11aa Wireless LAN
(IEEE Communications Society, 2014-02-12)journal article -
Performance Analysis of MAC for Power-Line Communications
(2014-06-16)conference object -
Performance Analysis of NSUM Estimators in Social-Network Topologies
(Taylor & Francis on behalf of the American Statistical Association (United States), 2024-12-06)journal article -
Performance analysis of the LAMDA fuzzy algorithm improvements in different case studies
(Springer, 2022-12)journal article -
Performance and Explainability of Feature Selection-Boosted Tree-based Classifiers for COVID-19 Detection
(Elsevier, 2023-12-07)journal article -
Performance and Pitfalls of 60 GHz WLANs Based on Consumer-Grade Hardware
(IEEE Communications Society, 2020-01-16)journal article