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dc.contributor.authorVitello, Piergiorgio
dc.contributor.authorCapponi, Andrea
dc.contributor.authorFiandrino, Claudio 
dc.contributor.authorGiaccone, Paolo
dc.contributor.authorKliazovich, Dzmitry
dc.contributor.authorBouvry, Pascal
dc.description.abstractThe unprecedented growth of the population living in urban environments calls for a rational and sustainable urban development. Smart cities can fill this gap by providing the citizens with high-quality services through efficient use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). To this end, active citizen participation with mobile crowdsensing (MCS) techniques is a becoming common practice. As MCS systems require wide participation, the development of large scale real testbeds is often not feasible and simulations are the only alternative solution. Modeling the urban environment with high precision is a key ingredient to obtain effective results. However, currently existing tools like OpenStreetMap (OSM) fail to provide sufficient levels of details. In this paper, we apply a procedure to augment the precision (AOP) of the graph describing the street network provided by OSM. Additionally, we compare different mobility models that are synthetic and based on a realistic dataset originated from a well known MCS data collection campaign (ParticipAct). For the dataset, we propose two arrival models that determine the users’ arrivals and match the experimental contact distribution. Finally, we assess the scalability of AOP for different cities, verify popular metrics for human mobility and the precision of different arrival models.
dc.titleHigh-Precision Design of Pedestrian Mobility for Smart City Simulatorsen
dc.typeconference object
dc.conference.date20-24 May 2018
dc.conference.placeKansas City, MO, USA
dc.conference.titleIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2018)*
dc.rights.accessRightsopen access

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