Self-organizing Dynamic Fractional Frequency Reuse on the uplink of OFDMA systems
Reverse link (or uplink) performance of cellular
systems is becoming increasingly impor t ant with the emergence
of new upl ink-bandwidth intensive applications such as Video
Share [14], where end users upload video clips captured through
their mobile devices. In particular, it is important to design the
system to provide good us e r throughput in most of the coverage
area, including at the cell edge. Soft fractional frequency reuse
(FFR) is one of the techniques for mitigating inter-cell interference in cellular systems, leading to overall spectral efficiency
enhancements and/or cell edge throughput improvements. We
propose a novel algorithm tha t dynamically creates efficient soft
FFR patterns on the upl ink of orthogonal frequency division
multiple access (OFDMA) based cellular systems; this allows the
system to "automatically" adapt to user traffic distribution and
system layout.
Our algorithm is based on systematically ascending towards
a local maximum of the system-wide sum of user utilities, which
depend on user throughputs. We show that this can be done in a
semi-autonomous fashion: each sector does its resource allocation
independently, with only an in frequent periodic exchange of
interference costs between neighboring sectors. The proposed
algorithm, called Multi-sector Gr adi ent for Upl ink (MGR-UL),
allocates in-sector resources (power, frequency, time-slots to each
user) in a way tha t simultaneously takes into a c count both
the benefit to its "own" users ' utility and the cost of creating
interference to neighboring sectors; along with tha t each sector
estimates the cost of interference to itself. Extensive simulation
results show tha t significant pe r formanc e benefits (up to 69%
in total throughput in some typical scenarios) can be achieved
with respect to a baseline approach. Simulations also show the
automa tic formation of soft FFR patterns.
Q Science::Q Science (General)Q Science::QA Mathematics::QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
T Technology::T Technology (General)
T Technology::TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
T Technology::TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering