Social - Content Revolution. A Vision for the Future Social Oriented Networking
Le Louedec, Yannick; Truong, Patrick; Mathieu, Bertrand; Le Beller, Luc; Cuevas, Rubén; De Vleeschauwer, Danny; Widmer, Joerg; Crespi, Noel; Cuevas, Ángel; Satzke, Klaus; Rimac, Ivica; Hausheer, David; Ruckert, Julius; Venezia, Claudio; Mondin, Fabio Luciano; Licciardi, Carlo Alberto; Yoneki, Eiko; Bellavista, Paolo; Giannelli, CarloDate
Content distribution services are booming and they will be responsible for the majority of future Internet traffic. In parallel, Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become today's most popular Internet applications. The widespread adoption of OSNs has drastically changed the way content is consumed in the Internet, as the popularity of a given content is most often dictated by its "social" success. This calls for novel social-aware network architectures that exploit these social-content interdependencies to improve the efficiency of content distribution services and the Quality of Experience for the end user. This paper presents a set of targeted use cases to introduce the underlining requirements and standardization opportunities within W3C.