Browsing IMDEA Networks by title
Now showing items 304-323 of 1886
Chapter 32 - Crowdsensing architectures for smart cities
(Elsevier, 2020-02)book part -
Characterising users experience and critical path in mobile applications
(2017-11-01)conference object -
Characterization of mobile network services to assess the impact of network slicing in a nationwide scenario
(2020-11-27)doctoral thesis -
Characterizing 5G Adoption and its Impact on Network Traffic and Mobile Service Consumption
(2024-05-20)conference object -
Characterizing and Modeling Mobile Networks User Traffic at Millisecond Level
(2023-10-06)conference object -
Characterizing and Modeling Session-Level Mobile Traffic Demands from Large-Scale Measurements
(2023-10-24)conference object -
Characterizing Large-Scale Mobile Traffic Measurements for Urban, Social and Networks Sciences
(2024-09-25)doctoral thesis -
Characterizing Location Management Function Performance in 5G Core Networks
(2022-11)conference object -
Characterizing Mobile Service Demands at Indoor Cellular Networks
(2023-10-24)conference object -
Characterizing RNTI Allocation and Management in Mobile Networks
(2021-11-22)conference object -
Characterizing sub-THz MIMO channels in practice: a novel channel sounder with absolute time reference
(2023-12-04)conference object -
Characterizing, Modeling and Exploiting the Mobile Demand Footprint of Large Public Protests
(2024-11-04)conference object -
Chirotonia: A Scalable and Secure e-Voting Framework based on Blockchains and Linkable Ring Signatures
(2021-12-08)conference object -
Chirotonía: Scalable and Secure e-Voting Framework based on Blockchains and Linkable Ring Signatures
(2021-08)conference object -
Chrowned by an Extension: Abusing the Chrome DevTools Protocol through the Debugger API
(2023-07)conference object -
CIPT: Using Tuangou to Reduce IP Transit Costs
(2011-12-02)conference object -
CIPT: Using Tuangou to Reduce IP Transit Costs
(2011-12-06)conference object -
CIPT: Using Tuangou to Reduce IP Transit Costs
(IMDEA Networks Institute, 2011-10)technical report -
Classification of Underwater Fish Images and Videos via Very Small Convolutional Neural Networks
(MDPI, 2022-05-27)journal article -
Cleaning Matters! Preprocessing-enhanced Anomaly Detection and Classification in Mobile Networks
(2022-06)conference object