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dc.contributor.authorChampati, Jaya Prakash 
dc.contributor.authorAvula, Ramana
dc.contributor.authorOechtering, Tobais
dc.contributor.authorGross, James
dc.description.abstractThere is a growing interest in analysing freshness of data in networked systems. Age of Information (AoI) has emerged as a relevant metric to quantify this freshness at a receiver, and minimizing this metric for different system models has received significant research attention. However, a fundamental question remains: what is the minimum achievable AoI in any single-server-single-source queuing system for a given service-time distribution? We address this question for the average peak AoI (PAoI) statistic by considering generate-at-will source model, service preemptions, and request delays. Our main result is on the characterization of the minimum achievable average PAoI, and we show that it is achieved by a fixed-threshold policy among the set of all causal policies. We use the characterization to provide necessary and sufficient condition for preemptions to be beneficial for a given service-time distribution. Our numerical results, obtained using well-known distributions, demonstrate that the heavier the tail of a distribution the higher the performance gains of using preemptions.
dc.publisherIEEE Communications Society
dc.titleMinimum Achievable Peak Age of Information Under Service Preemptions and Request Delayen
dc.typejournal article
dc.journal.titleIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
dc.rights.accessRightsopen access

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