Alta Scuola Politecnica: Innovation, Multi-disciplinarity and Passion
Alta Scuola Politecnica (, (ASP 2009)) was founded in 2004 by the Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino. It annually selects 150 talented students solely on the basis of merit, from among the applicants to the Master of Science in Engineering, Architecture and Design at the two universities. The resulting community is made up of very motivated and qualified students with a passion for innovation. These students follow an additional track, completely in English, based on ad hoc courses and the development of multidisciplinary projects; the ASP program administrates 30 credits (CFU) to be achieved in parallel to the regular 120 credits of the Master program, 15 from courses and 15 from projects; thus, it consists of an addition to the Master program of about one-fourth of its total workload. The mission of ASP is to provide society with high-profile graduates combining in-depth disciplinary knowledge with interdisciplinary, horizontal skills that are needed to work in a truly multidisciplinary environment.