B-Neck – A Distributed and Quiescent Max-min Fair Algorithm
In this brief announcement we propose B-Neck, a max-min
fair distributed algorithm that is also quiescent. As far as we
know, B-Neck is the �rst max-min fair distributed algorithm
that does not require a continuous injection of control tra�c
to compute the rates. When changes occur, a�ected sessions
are asynchronously informed, so they can start the process
of computing their new rate (i.e., sessions do not need to
poll the network for changes). The correctness of B-Neck is
formally proved, and extensive simulations are conducted.
In them it is shown that B-Neck converges relatively fast
and behaves nicely in presence of sessions arriving and de-
Q Science::Q Science (General)Q Science::QA Mathematics::QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
T Technology::T Technology (General)
T Technology::TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
T Technology::TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering