Demo: MONROE, a distributed platform to measure and assess mobile broadband networks
Alay, Ozgu; Lutu, Andra; García, Rafael; Peón-Quirós, Miguel; Mancuso, Vincenzo; Hirsch, Thomas; Dely, Tobias; Werme, Jonas; Evensen, Kristian; Hansen, Audun; Alfredsson, Stefan; Karlsson, Jonas; Brunstrom, Anna; Safari Khatouni, Ali; Mellia, Marco; Ajmone Marsan, Marco; Monno, Roberto; Lonsethagen, HakonFecha
This demo presents the MONROE distributed platform and how it can be used to implement measurement and assessment experiments with operational mobile broadband networks (MBBs). MONROE provides registered experimenters with open access to hundreds of nodes, distributed over several European countries and equipped with multiple MBB connections, and a backend system that collects the measurement results. Experiments are scheduled through a user-friendly web client, with no need to directly access the nodes. The platform further embeds tools for real-time traffic flow analysis and a powerful visualization tool.